By Jennifer Hartzog
Chronic Pain Relief Specialist
Founder of Healthier Body Now
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I had severe chronic pain every day for 25 years, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at me.
While some health conditions are visibly obvious, others remain hidden behind the scenes.
Even with a pain level of ~8, I was still able to function to some degree.
But it often felt like I was running a marathon with a bowling ball attached to my ankle...
with everyone else way far ahead of me.
The average person has no idea what it’s like to deal with the internal torture of chronic pain while also trying to keep a smile on your face.
If nothing else, it has made me more compassionate towards people who are suffering–physically or emotionally—who end up taking it out on others.
After all, I have no idea what someone else is going through--their pain level might be at a 10.
I know I’ve definitely had my moments of losing my sh*t because my pain was so intense.
I have been grumpy, irritable, or just plain mean to an innocent bystander who was blindsided by my words or actions.
Unfortunately, that person was often someone close to me like my husband.
I felt bad when I was cranky because of the pain.
On more than one occasion,
I found myself in my car,
literally screaming at the top of my lungs in a meltdown of desperation, frustration, and self-pity.
I felt trapped inside my body.
For a long time, I lost hope.
After over 22 years of daily chronic pain, I finally made the decision that I was not going to lie down (often quite literally) and just take it.
Enough was enough already.
I refused to accept that this was going to be my life.
Thankfully, that all turned around a few years ago when I made the decision that I was going to do whatever it took to get better.
Because I knew that I was worth it.
And if I just resigned myself to living a life of chronic pain, I knew that I would be short-changing myself.
And I knew I couldn't live the life I was meant to live if I was in pain all the time.
So I embarked on a journey to figure out how to heal my body.
For me, it took a long time to solve my pain, because I didn't have anyone guiding me, and I had to figure it all out for myself. (Sometimes it's hard to see your own blind spots, and to know what you don't know!)
But over the course of several more years, I finally figured out a solution.
And I was able to bring down my daily pain level from a constant 8 to a 0-2!
My journey continues as I am nearly done healing.
I'm a lot better than I used to be.
I am fit and healthy, and have more energy than ever before.
If you feel ‘stuck’ with chronic pain, if you feel like there’s no way out…
If you’ve been longing for a life without pain or other symptoms…
Don’t give up!
Seriously. (I almost did.)
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to make the decision today: “Enough is enough. I’m going to do whatever it takes to get better.”
That’s where my road began to finally feeling good again.
“If it's possible for someone else, it’s possible for me.” - Les Brown
If you would like to have less or no pain, and feel amazing in your body, click here.
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